Take a chance on LOVE

Don't forget to not be a b!tch to yourself today, okkkkkkay?!

If you think you can beat yourself into being better, or If you think you can tell yourself ugly hateful things and end up with a positive outcome--


I've been preaching self love and kindness for almost 13 years now, and many of you have been around that long. Many of you have watched from a far and thought

"She is cray!!! What the h, e, double hockey sticks good can come from me not saying 'gah I am so stupid I failed again,' or 'ugh I look fat and disgusting in this swimsuit?'"

And yet, here you are, still watching. Still being so hard on you. So critical of you. Freaking mean to you. Totally a major b!tch to yourself.

So what if?

What if you took a chance on me?! Took a chance and tried it my way?! What if you tried to replace negativity with kindness when you look at your reflection? What if you looked at the good things about you and stopped staring, pinching, and poking the things you have told yourself are flaws?! What the heck?! What if you gave yourself the same kindness, love and grace you soooooo easily and freely give everyone else?

What is the actual worst that could happen?

Nothing. There is nothing bad that can happen ♡

You are worth it, my friend. You are sooo worth it.

Just a reminder, my new clean eating guide is available NOW for download! #Complete60 is a 60 day guide to eliminate junk, and teach you how to eat clean for life! www.foreverfitidaho.com

LAST REMINDER, My monthly challenge group registration closes Monday September 26th. If you’d like to join ME, and a group of my friends on facebook—you are so welcome to join! I have room for 5 or so new people and I would LOVE to get you in on this. $100 for new clients wanting a customized food plan and your month-long workout plan, or $80 if you only wan to commit to workouts. Man, we are better together, and I would LOVE to have you! Plan starts October 1st!

Hey, I am here, I am always listening,

Trainer Teri


big Announcement, SMALL group


A Lesson Worth Repeting