Happy almost June friends!
Happy Almost June friends! How is it that we are here --the school year is closing and summer is upon us? They say time flies when you’re having fun but it seems, in retrospect, time flies by even when we aren’t having fun and the only for sure truth is—the time passes us by.
We can look at that as a bummer deal, think of the things we miss or think of the things we should have done or we can get busy TODAY, building a life that we want to live so that the mundane, normal, typical everyday moments are enjoyable and fulfilling EVEN AS the time passes us by. Because the big fancy things like a trip, or a wedding, or a birthday, or a concert or enter some other big type of event are actually the rare sporadic things of this life—and the typical things, making the bed, taking kids to school, PTO meetings, and your job are the normal common things that make up most of our lives. So, what do we do, if those common everyday normal, ground hogs day type things are draining us and we hate them?
We either change something,
Or we accept them, and make the best of them.
There is no right answer, there is only the answer that is right for you today. But one thing I do know, for me, for sure, is that no matter if I am doing baseball, carpool duty, church on Sunday, watering flowers, training clients, cooking dinner for my family, cleaning the floor or feeding the dogs-- when my heart is in a good place—those things bring me joy that I am able to have the opportunities at my fingertips, but if I am down in the dumps, those things drain me.
To me, it seems, the answer is how I prepare my heart to show up for the day, in this life, in this current situation. I also know, that when I take care of my body, feed her nourishing foods, move her, hydrate her, prioritize rest and time outdoors, surround her with people who love her and encourage her, and take the time to read uplifting things—it is a little easier for me, to prepare my heart for gratitude and joy in the everyday moments of my life.
Because you’re receiving this newsletter, I know health and fitness are a priority for you, or you want them to be—if they aren’t now. As we close out a school year with the kids, or start a new season of heat ahead, I hope that you will ponder upon these things
*Am I prioritizing my own health?
*Am I developing daily habits that make me feel strong and healthy, and am I demonstrating showing up for those habits even when life is busy or wild?
*Have I set up reasonable, actionable steps, that will allow me to fulfill the promises I make to myself? Am I over complicating things, which sometimes leads to doing nothing, rather than doing something?
*Do I want to be a healthy person today, or do I truly want to wait, another season, when life “slows down” to become a healthier human?
Again, there is no right answers here, just your answers for YOU, for today.
If you are needing some support or encouragement in your journey as you begin or continue your healthy habits, I am accepting new people for my monthly challenge group. You can choose to commit to nutrition and workouts for $100 (renewal is $75), or workouts only for $80 (renewal is $40). This is a group of people who are working on becoming healthier and stronger, inside and out. It is not a group of flashy, ultra-fit 5% body fat people marching around in bikinis—it is just us, a group of common people who have jobs, families, pets, and real life commitments that want fitness to FIT INTO our life—not be our entire life. And, well, we would love to have you join us. I think, we are better together as we feed off one another’s excitement and encouragement and remind one another, that progress doesn’t mean perfection—it just means, effort, to be a little better than we were, before. The last day for the early enrollment is Friday, May 27th. After the 27th price increases by $25. Program officially begins June 1st. Email me if you are interested or if I can answer any questions.
Life can be tough, but YOU ARE TOUGHER. Let’s get strong, let’s stay strong, and let’s make the most of this one opportunity we have, at this life.
Wishing you health, happiness, and all the things that bring your heart joy.
I’m always listening,
Trainer Teri
@teriforeverfit on Instagram and facebook, lets connect!
Teri Hoeksema
Personal Trainer and Owner
Forever Fit at the GymShop